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School Council

School Council 2023-2024

Chair: Brandi Christiansen
Vice Chair: Gaelyn Kulikowski
Secretary: Melysa West
Member at large: Komali Naidoo

Communications: Terri Rolfson

All parents and guardians are required to complete the School Council Parent Contact Information Form on Schoolzone if they would like to receive emails from the Harry Ainlay School Council. 

School Council meetings will start at 7:00pm in the school library on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - AGM

At Harry Ainlay parents and guardians are encouraged to attend the AGM. Any parent or guardian who would like to sit on the School Council Executive for the 2024/25 school year is welcome. The time commitment is as much or as little as you have to offer. A diverse range of views and backgrounds will enhance the effectiveness of our School Council, so please consider adding your voice.

The Harry Ainlay School Council is a collective association of parents, staff and students who work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of the entire school community. The School Council provides a means for parents to engage as partners in their child's education. (reference: Alberta Education Act)

The School Council meets regularly throughout the year, hosts guest speakers, holds Q&A sessions with the principal and communicates with parents and guardians through email, SchoolZone and social media. Our goal is to:
1. Educate parents and assist them as key partners in their student's education at Ainlay.
2. Inform parents with what is happening at Ainlay and how it affects their student.
3. Engage parents and assist them in advocating for their student.
If you have any questions, please email: harryainlayschoolcouncil@partner.epsb.ca